“If it's true I live in a world where hope has all but died, and if I really have a living love alive in me,
How am I letting it be known? How am I letting it be seen?
These are the signs, these are the signs of life: the love that proves there is a living faith inside…
These are the signs, these are the signs of life: the compassion and concern that make this world turn…
These are the signs of life!”

-Steven Curtis Chapman

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Have You Had a Dose of Encouragement Today?

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).

Today, Sept. 12 is National Day of Encouragement! I first heard about it at (in)courage and fell in love with the concept. One day, set aside just to encourage other people - I love it!

To celebrate, DaySpring decided to encourage me and others by giving away 10 absolutely BEAUTIFUL cards so that I could encourage and love on others.

I was so excited when the package arrived, and I immediately started thinking about which card would go to whom. When I say excited, I mean, EXCITED! While I plan on sending the rest of the cards out this week (I’ve decided that I’m making it my own personal Encouragement Week), one sweet friend popped into my mind for this day (and post!) in particular.

This girl is off the chain! :) She’s beautiful, inside and out. Her heart is bigger than Texas. So, I picked a card that reflected how she’s been on my mind recently – and I spent some time really thinking about what I wanted to tell her.

So: I used this particular card to tell her what an encouragement she has been to me, from text messages to FaceBook posts. I reminded her how incredibly special she is, from her sweet spirit to her bubbly laugh - head to toe, this chica is AMAZING! And lastly, I encouraged her to keep chasing God in every aspect of her life. This was a major point for me: her life, her actions, are an encouragment to others, and she represents Jesus in amazing ways. I don't want her to ever forget how much Jesus loves her, and is using her to show people His love!

Now, not only will my lovely friend have an encouraging note that will be arriving in her mailbox soon, this really helped me develop a deeper appreciation for my sister in Christ! I hadn’t realized how encouraged I would be simply by encouraging someone else!

Have you encouraged a friend lately? If you haven’t, today’s a great day to start! Are you in need of encouragement? I’d love to pray for you!

My prayer for you this week is this:
"May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." - 2 Thessalonians

In every good deed and word,

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